
Bottled Water

Why is Bottled Water Bad for You?

Bottled water is something that we use daily. However, it is not the best option available to consume water. Bottled water can have a negative impact on health and the environment. Even though bottled water is convenient and refreshing, it is high time to get rid of them. From this article, we will share more details with you about the concerns associated with bottled water. Then you can figure out why you should stop consuming them.

Bottled Water can Result in Plastic Pollution 

Plastic pollution is the biggest concern associated with bottled water. To produce water bottles, manufacturers are consuming a lot of resources. This can result in environmental degradation. It has been estimated that over 8 million metric tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans every year. Plastic water bottles hold a prominent place in them.

A single plastic water bottle can take hundreds of years to decompose. It can also release a variety of harmful chemicals to the environment. If you purchase plastic water bottles, you are directly contributing to environmental pollution. It can endanger marine life. Moreover, it can also compromise the health of our planet.

It Can Result in BPA Exposure 

BPA exposure is another risk associated with bottled water. BPA is the abbreviation for Bisphenol A. This is a chemical compound used in the production of plastic water bottles. BPA can encounter water molecules after filling up the bottle. This can happen when the bottle gets exposed to sunlight or heat. 

BPA mixed with water can then get into your body. This is where you will run into numerous health problems. For example, you will have to deal with reproductive problems and hormonal imbalances. It can even lead you to many different types of cancers. 

Not all plastic water bottles contain BPA. Some of them are BPA-free. However, the alternative chemicals available for BPA can be dangerous as well. Hence, it is better to stay away from plastic bottled water as much as possible. 

Damage Caused by Microplastics 

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles. They are less than 5 millimetres in size. Microplastics are a major environmental concern that people worry about now. You can find these tiny particles in plastic water bottles as well. If you drink water in plastic water bottles, you will be taking in these microplastics to the body.

Microplastics will not lead you to any health problems immediately. However, long-term indigestion of microplastics can lead to numerous problems. For example, it can disrupt the hormonal system. You will also end up with inflammation. If you don’t want this to happen, it is a good thing to stay away from bottled water as much as possible.

You Can Save Money 

Plastic water bottles are not a cost-effective solution available. The initial purchase of a plastic water bottle may seem affordable to you. However, the cumulative expenses can quickly add up. This is where you will figure out that plastic water is much more expensive than water water

You Will Be Increasing Your Carbon Footprint

If you keep on buying plastic water bottles, you are increasing your carbon footprint on this planet. It is important to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible. This is where you should make sustainable life choices. 

The production and transportation process of plastic water bottles consumes a lot of energy. Even the refrigeration process would require a lot of energy. All this energy will be coming from fossil fuels. It can increase the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, you will be contributing to climate change.

Transporting plastic bottles for longer distances can create carbon emissions as well. This is why it is a good thing to rely on local water resources. For example, you may install a water filter at home or office.

It Will Result in Landfill Waste

Another obvious disadvantage of plastic water bottles is landfilling waste. We face numerous challenges when managing the waste that bottled water creates. There are indeed initiatives to recycle plastic water bottles. However, a considerable percentage of plastic bottles still end up in landfills. 

It will take hundreds of years for such bottles to decompose. During the decomposing stage, they will release harmful chemicals. These chemicals will eventually mix into groundwater. 

Depletion of Resources 

To produce plastic water bottles, people need to extract materials from finite resources. They include natural gas and petroleum. These are non-renewable resources. Continuous extraction of these resources can result in environmental degradation. It can also result in habitat destruction.

If you keep on buying bottled water, you are contributing to this. As a result, you are putting additional strain on the ecosystem. This can also result in further resource depletion. If you want to preserve resources for future generations, you should stop buying plastic water bottles. Then you can reduce the overall dependency on non-renewable resources.

Recycling Issues 

The process of recycling plastic water bottles is happening at its best. Only a small number of plastic water bottles go through recycling. The other water bottles simply end up in landfills. However, the process of recycling plastic water bottles is not 100% efficient as well. It requires a significant amount of water and energy. Likewise, people can only recycle plastic for a limited number of times. This is why it is not a good idea to rely heavily on recycling.

Smarter Water Offers the Best Alternative 

As you can see, dealing with bottled water is never good. If you are looking for an alternative, you can look at the bottle-less water coolers that Smarter Water is offering. Once you buy these water coolers, you can have access to cool and refreshing water. There is no need to deal with plastics. This is a fully Australian-owned and managed company. Visit the website of Smarter Water and learn more about their water coolers.