Water Coolers & Dispensers

Refreshing the Workplace: Why Filtered Water is the Cool Choice for Your Office!


In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, we often forget that small changes can make a big impact. So, let’s talk about something that can boost both employee vibes and company sustainability – switching to filtered water in offices! We’re about to spill the tea (or, in this case, water) on why this change is a game-changer for your team and the planet.

Benefits to Employees:

  1. Hydration Happiness: Picture this: you’re powering through a project, and suddenly, you feel the thirst creeping in. Filtered water to the rescue! It’s like a hydrating superhero, ensuring you stay refreshed and on your A-game. Trust us; your body will thank you for the hydration boost.
  2. Eco-Friendly Sip: Tired of feeling guilty every time you grab a plastic water bottle? With filtered water, you’re not just hydrating; you’re saving the planet from unnecessary plastic waste. It’s the little things that add up, and being an eco-warrior during your 9-to-5 is a win-win.
  3. Easy-Breezy Hydration: Forget the hassle of juggling water bottles or hunting down the office vending machine. Water dispensers are like your hydration oasis, ready to quench your thirst with just a quick trip to the break room. Convenience? Check!

Benefits to the Company:

  1. Budget-Friendly Sip: We get it; budgets matter. Filtered water is not just good for your health; it’s a superhero for your company’s wallet. Say goodbye to endless stacks of bottled water receipts and hello to cost-efficiency!
  2. Productivity on Tap: Let’s be real – a hydrated team is a happy, productive team. By providing filtered water, you’re ensuring your crew stays sharp, focused, and ready to conquer any task. Say goodbye to the mid-afternoon slump!
  3. Office Coolness Overload: Being the office hero isn’t just about hitting deadlines. It’s also about creating a workplace that cares. Water is an easy way to boost your corporate image, showing that your company values both employee well-being and Mother Earth.


So there you have it – the lowdown on why filtered water is the workplace hero you never knew you needed. Pour yourself a glass, take a sip, and let the filtered water revolution begin! 💧✨

The Benefits of Having a Water Dispenser at Home

The Benefits of Having a Water Dispenser at Home


Water is the elixir of life. We all know the importance of staying hydrated but ensuring a consistent supply of clean. Purified water can sometimes be a challenge. That’s where the convenience of a water dispenser comes into play. A common sight in office settings, water dispensers have gradually found their way. Into our homes, transforming the way we consume water. This article delves into the benefits of having a water dispenser at home. And provides guidance on selecting the ideal one to suit your needs.

The Different Types of Water Dispensers

A Brief History

Water dispensers, also known as water coolers, have been around since the early 1900s. Providing a convenient source of drinking water in public spaces. Workplaces, and now, homes. Over the years, these devices have evolved significantly. Advances in technology bring us a variety of dispenser models. Each with its unique features and benefits.

Types of Water Dispensers

Bottled Water Dispensers

Bottled water dispensers are the most common type. They utilise large plastic bottles, usually between 10-20 litres, which are delivered by a water service provider. The bottle is placed upside down into the dispenser, providing a steady flow of water when the tap is opened.

Point of Use Water Dispensers

Point of Use (POU) water dispensers are connected directly to the. Building’s water supply. They feature advanced filtration systems to purify the water. Providing an unlimited supply of clean, fresh water. Without the need for delivery or bottle replacement.

Bottom Load Water Dispensers

These models are a variation of the bottled water dispenser, designed for ease of use. The water bottle is stored in the bottom compartment. Reducing the effort required to lift and flip the bottle. A common challenge with traditional models.

Tabletop Water Dispensers

Compact and portable tabletop water dispensers are ideal for small spaces. They work similarly to the bottled models. But are designed to accommodate smaller, more manageable water bottles.

Benefits of Having a Water Dispenser at Home


A water dispenser at home provides a convenient source of fresh, clean water at any time of the day. No need to boil water or chill it in the refrigerator – just push a button or turn a tap, and you have instant hot or cold water.

Health Benefits

Water dispensers encourage regular hydration. As having readily available water can remind family members to drink more often. Moreover, many dispensers feature built-in filters. Ensuring that the water you consume is pure and free from harmful contaminants.

Economic Benefits

Over time, water dispensers can be more cost-effective than constantly buying bottled water. You save not only on the cost of the water itself but also on transportation and disposal.

Environmental Benefits

Water dispensers can significantly reduce the number of plastic bottles we consume. Moreover, many modern dispensers are energy-efficient, further reducing their environmental impact.

Aesthetic Benefits

Water dispensers come in various designs and sizes to suit any home decor from sleek, minimalist models to traditional, vintage-inspired designs. There’s a water dispenser to complement every home.

Essential Factors to Consider When Buying a Water Dispenser

Water Source

Ensure the type of dispenser you choose is compatible with your home’s water source. If you have a reliable and clean source, a POU dispenser could be a good choice. If not, you may prefer a bottled or bottom-load dispenser.

Space and Location

Consider where you plan to place the dispenser. Tabletop models are ideal for kitchens with limited space. In comparison, free-standing models may be better for larger areas.

Water Temperature Options

If you frequently consume hot drinks or want chilled water during the summer. Choose a model with temperature control features.

Maintenance Requirements

Check what kind of maintenance your chosen dispenser requires. Some models may need regular filter changes, while others might require professional servicing.

Price and Brand Reputation

Lastly, consider your budget and the reputation of the brand. Read reviews and do your research. To ensure you are getting a reliable, high-quality product.

Care and Maintenance of a Water Dispenser

Regular Cleaning

Clean your water dispenser regularly to prevent the build-up of bacteria and algae. This is particularly important for dispensers with a direct water connection.

Replacing Parts

Check your user manual for guidance on when and how often parts should be replaced. This might include filters, taps, or internal components.

Professional Services vs DIY Maintenance

Some maintenance tasks can be done at home. In comparison, others might require professional service. Ensure you are familiar with what’s involved to keep your dispenser working optimally.


A water dispenser is a valuable addition to any home. Offering convenience, health benefits, and cost savings while also being environmentally friendly. With the wide range of models available, you’re sure to find the perfect one for your needs. Stay hydrated, stay healthy, and enjoy the benefits that a home water dispenser can bring to your daily life.

  • Q: What are the different types of water dispensers available in the market?

A: There are primarily four types of water dispensers. Available in the market: Bottled Water Dispensers. Point of Use Water Dispensers, Bottom Load Water Dispensers, and Tabletop Water Dispensers. Each type has its own unique benefits and can be chosen, according to your specific needs and space requirements.

  • Q: How does having a water dispenser at home contribute to health benefits?

A: A water dispenser ensures you have regular access to clean, safe drinking water. Promoting hydration, which is crucial for various bodily functions. Certain models with built-in filters provide added assurance of purified water. Eliminating potential contaminants.

  • Q: Are water dispensers cost-effective in the long run?

A: Yes, investing in a water dispenser can be cost-effective in the long run. It eliminates the recurring cost of purchasing bottled water. And quality water dispensers tend to be quite durable. Reducing the need for frequent replacements.

  • Q: How does having a water dispenser at home benefit the environment?

A: By reducing the need for single-use plastic bottles. Water dispensers contribute to environmental sustainability. Additionally, many modern water dispensers are designed to be energy-efficient. Further reducing the carbon footprint.

  • Q: What factors should I consider when buying a water dispenser?

A: Some important factors to consider. When purchasing a water dispenser, include the type of water source. Space and location in your home, water temperature options. Maintenance requirements, and the price and reputation of the brand.

  • Q: How do I maintain a water dispenser at home?

A: Regular cleaning is crucial to maintaining a healthy and efficient water dispenser. Depending on the model, you may also need to replace filters periodically. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific care instructions.

Bottled Water

Why is Bottled Water Bad for You?

Bottled water is something that we use daily. However, it is not the best option available to consume water. Bottled water can have a negative impact on health and the environment. Even though bottled water is convenient and refreshing, it is high time to get rid of them. From this article, we will share more details with you about the concerns associated with bottled water. Then you can figure out why you should stop consuming them.

Bottled Water can Result in Plastic Pollution 

Plastic pollution is the biggest concern associated with bottled water. To produce water bottles, manufacturers are consuming a lot of resources. This can result in environmental degradation. It has been estimated that over 8 million metric tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans every year. Plastic water bottles hold a prominent place in them.

A single plastic water bottle can take hundreds of years to decompose. It can also release a variety of harmful chemicals to the environment. If you purchase plastic water bottles, you are directly contributing to environmental pollution. It can endanger marine life. Moreover, it can also compromise the health of our planet.

It Can Result in BPA Exposure 

BPA exposure is another risk associated with bottled water. BPA is the abbreviation for Bisphenol A. This is a chemical compound used in the production of plastic water bottles. BPA can encounter water molecules after filling up the bottle. This can happen when the bottle gets exposed to sunlight or heat. 

BPA mixed with water can then get into your body. This is where you will run into numerous health problems. For example, you will have to deal with reproductive problems and hormonal imbalances. It can even lead you to many different types of cancers. 

Not all plastic water bottles contain BPA. Some of them are BPA-free. However, the alternative chemicals available for BPA can be dangerous as well. Hence, it is better to stay away from plastic bottled water as much as possible. 

Damage Caused by Microplastics 

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles. They are less than 5 millimetres in size. Microplastics are a major environmental concern that people worry about now. You can find these tiny particles in plastic water bottles as well. If you drink water in plastic water bottles, you will be taking in these microplastics to the body.

Microplastics will not lead you to any health problems immediately. However, long-term indigestion of microplastics can lead to numerous problems. For example, it can disrupt the hormonal system. You will also end up with inflammation. If you don’t want this to happen, it is a good thing to stay away from bottled water as much as possible.

You Can Save Money 

Plastic water bottles are not a cost-effective solution available. The initial purchase of a plastic water bottle may seem affordable to you. However, the cumulative expenses can quickly add up. This is where you will figure out that plastic water is much more expensive than water water

You Will Be Increasing Your Carbon Footprint

If you keep on buying plastic water bottles, you are increasing your carbon footprint on this planet. It is important to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible. This is where you should make sustainable life choices. 

The production and transportation process of plastic water bottles consumes a lot of energy. Even the refrigeration process would require a lot of energy. All this energy will be coming from fossil fuels. It can increase the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, you will be contributing to climate change.

Transporting plastic bottles for longer distances can create carbon emissions as well. This is why it is a good thing to rely on local water resources. For example, you may install a water filter at home or office.

It Will Result in Landfill Waste

Another obvious disadvantage of plastic water bottles is landfilling waste. We face numerous challenges when managing the waste that bottled water creates. There are indeed initiatives to recycle plastic water bottles. However, a considerable percentage of plastic bottles still end up in landfills. 

It will take hundreds of years for such bottles to decompose. During the decomposing stage, they will release harmful chemicals. These chemicals will eventually mix into groundwater. 

Depletion of Resources 

To produce plastic water bottles, people need to extract materials from finite resources. They include natural gas and petroleum. These are non-renewable resources. Continuous extraction of these resources can result in environmental degradation. It can also result in habitat destruction.

If you keep on buying bottled water, you are contributing to this. As a result, you are putting additional strain on the ecosystem. This can also result in further resource depletion. If you want to preserve resources for future generations, you should stop buying plastic water bottles. Then you can reduce the overall dependency on non-renewable resources.

Recycling Issues 

The process of recycling plastic water bottles is happening at its best. Only a small number of plastic water bottles go through recycling. The other water bottles simply end up in landfills. However, the process of recycling plastic water bottles is not 100% efficient as well. It requires a significant amount of water and energy. Likewise, people can only recycle plastic for a limited number of times. This is why it is not a good idea to rely heavily on recycling.

Smarter Water Offers the Best Alternative 

As you can see, dealing with bottled water is never good. If you are looking for an alternative, you can look at the bottle-less water coolers that Smarter Water is offering. Once you buy these water coolers, you can have access to cool and refreshing water. There is no need to deal with plastics. This is a fully Australian-owned and managed company. Visit the website of Smarter Water and learn more about their water coolers. 


How Does a Water Cooler Work and What to think Before Buying it?

Is Your Water Cooler EcoFriendly? Exploring Sustainable Options


Water is essential for life and providing clean, accessible drinking water is crucial. Especially in shared spaces like offices and schools. In this modern age, where we strive to make every aspect of our lives greener. The humble water cooler is no exception. However, is your water cooler eco friendly? This article explores sustainable options for water coolers. And underscores their importance in our journey towards environmental sustainability.

The Role of Water Coolers in Everyday Life

Water coolers are pivotal in providing hydration, a basic human need. They are omnipresent – in offices, educational institutions, and public spaces. And even our homes. Yet, traditional water coolers can have a significant environmental impact while facilitating hydration. Plastic water bottles contribute to pollution and resource depletion. While the energy coolers consume adds to our carbon footprint. Thus, we must switch to eco friendly alternatives.

Technological Advancements in Eco friendly Water Coolers

In the past, pursuing sustainability often meant compromising convenience or functionality. However, this is now the case with modern eco friendly water coolers. Innovations in technology have led to models. They are not only environment friendly but also high functional and easy to use.

For example, new models of point-of-use water coolers. Come equipped with advanced filtration systems. That removes impurities, providing clean, safe drinking water straight from the tap. They eliminate the need for plastic bottles without compromising on water quality.

Similarly, energy-efficient water coolers have evolved from simply having better insulation. To incorporating innovative features like programmable timers and sleep mode. These smart coolers optimise power usage without affecting performance, contributing to energy conservation.

Health Benefits of Eco-Friendly Water Coolers

The benefits of eco-friendly water coolers extend beyond the environment. And can significantly contribute to our health and well-being. With high-quality filtration systems, these coolers provide access to clean, safe drinking water. By encouraging hydration, they support overall health and well-being.

Moreover, eliminating plastic bottles. Also reduces the risk of chemical contamination associated with plastic. Plastic bottles often contain BPA and other chemicals. That can leach into the water, especially when exposed to heat. Using a bottle-less or point-of-use cooler helps avoid this risk.

Economic Factors and Eco-friendly Water Coolers

While eco-friendly water coolers may have a higher initial cost. They often prove cost-effective in the long run. They can lead to savings in several ways.

First, they reduce or eliminate the need to buy bottled water. Which can be a recurring expense, especially for large offices or institutions.

Second, energy-efficient models can substantially save energy bills over time.

Third, durable models that last longer reduce the frequency and cost of replacement.

In addition, businesses that adopt sustainable practices like using eco friendly water coolers. Often gain a competitive edge. They enhance their reputation among environment conscious consumers. And are more likely to meet compliance with environmental regulations. Avoiding fines or penalties.

By exploring sustainable options like eco-friendly water coolers. We can contribute to environmental conservation. Promote health and well-being, and make economically sound choices. So, let’s make the switch and raise a glass to a greener, healthier future.

Understanding the Concept of Eco-friendly Water Coolers

But what makes a water cooler ‘eco-friendly’? Firstly, it should minimise waste – particularly plastic. Bottleless designs, for instance, eliminate the need for plastic bottles. Secondly, energy efficiency is key. Eco-friendly coolers should perform their function using minimal energy. They should also be built to last. Reducing the replacement frequency and associated waste. By adopting eco-friendly water coolers, we can make strides in environmental conservation.

Types of Eco-Friendly Water Coolers

There are several types of eco-friendly water coolers:

  • Point-of-use Water Coolers: These connect directly to the building’s water supply. Purifying water on demand and eliminating the need for bottled water.
  • Bottleless Water Coolers: Similar to point-of-use, these are hooked to the water supply. And come with advanced filtration systems. Providing an unlimited supply of purified water.
  • Energy-Efficient Water Coolers: These models use less electricity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Many carry energy-saving certifications.

Each model has its benefits and drawbacks. But all serve the common purpose of reducing environmental impact.

The Market for Eco-Friendly Water Coolers

The market for eco-friendly water coolers is expanding. Consumers are increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint, and manufacturers are responding. Brands compete to provide efficient, sustainable solutions. Leading to a wider variety of options available to the consumer. This competition also drives innovation. With features like motion sensors to reduce energy usage becoming more commonplace.

How to Choose an Eco-Friendly Water Cooler

When choosing an eco-friendly water cooler, consider the following:

  • Energy Efficiency: Look for Energy Star ratings or other certifications guaranteeing the product’s efficiency.
  • Materials: Opt for models built from recyclable or sustainable materials.
  • Filtration System: A good filtration system ensures the purity of the water. Without requiring bottled water.
  • Longevity: Durable models that won’t require frequent. Replacements are more sustainable in the long run.

While these models may cost more initially. The long-term financial and environmental savings make them a worthy investment.

Case Study: Eco-Friendly Water Coolers in Action

Consider the case of a large office complex. That switched to bottles and energy-efficient water coolers. The transition eliminated the need for plastic bottles and reduced energy consumption. Despite initial resistance, employees found the new system. Provided equally good, if not better, quality water. The change also sparked conversations about sustainability. Leading to further green initiatives within the company.

The Future of Eco-Friendly Water Coolers

Innovation will likely drive the future of eco-friendly water coolers. Expect to see advancements in energy efficiency, filtration systems, and materials. As consumers demand greener products, companies will continue to innovate. And the future might even bring solar-powered or self-cleaning models. What’s clear is that the trend towards eco-friendly water coolers is here to stay.


In conclusion, adopting an eco-friendly water cooler. It is a simple step towards a more sustainable future. While the choice may seem small. The collective impact of these decisions can be monumental. We must remember that every drop of water and energy saved. Contributes to preserving our environment.


What makes a water cooler eco-friendly?

An eco-friendly water cooler minimizes waste. Particularly plastic uses energy efficiently and is built to last. Reducing the replacement frequency. It’s designed to have as minimal an impact on the environment. As possible while providing clean, safe drinking water.

Are eco-friendly water coolers as effective as regular water coolers?

Yes, eco-friendly water coolers are as effective as regular water coolers. Providing clean, fresh water like traditional models. Some may argue they are more effective due to their added benefits. Such as energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact.

Is the water from an eco-friendly water cooler safe to drink?

Absolutely. Eco-friendly water coolers have effective filtration systems. Ensuring that dispensed water is clean and safe for drinking. Many models even feature advanced filtration systems. That can remove a wider range of contaminants than traditional models.

Are eco-friendly water coolers more expensive to purchase or maintain?

While the upfront cost of an eco-friendly water cooler can be higher than that of a traditional model. They can often save money in the long run. Energy-efficient models can reduce electricity bills. And bottle-less models can eliminate the ongoing water delivery cost.

How does a bottle-less water cooler work?

A bottle-less water cooler connects directly to your building’s water supply. It filters and cools the water on demand. Providing an unlimited supply of fresh water without the need for plastic bottles.

What should I look for when purchasing an eco-friendly water cooler?

When purchasing an eco-friendly water cooler,. Consider its energy efficiency, and the materials it’s made from. The effectiveness of its filtration system, and its durability. Look for models with energy-saving certifications. And prefer those made from recyclable or sustainable materials.

Are Water Coolers Safe?

Are Water Coolers Safe? Debunking Common Myths


With the rise of health awareness, the concern for drinking water’s purity and safety has become a topic of significant importance. It’s commonplace to see water coolers installed in various public and private places, providing a convenient hydration source. However, myths and misconceptions surrounding water cooler safety persist. This article aims to debunk these myths, providing clear and accurate information on water cooler safety.

The Importance of Water Coolers

Water coolers have evolved significantly since their invention in the early 1900s. They serve a vital role, especially in offices, schools, gyms, and other public areas, offering a readily available water source to keep people hydrated. Ensuring this water is safe to drink is paramount to public health.

Common Myths Surrounding Water Coolers

Numerous misconceptions surround the use of water coolers, from their maintenance and cost to their impact on the environment and workplace compliance. Each of these myths deserves a thorough examination to provide an informed perspective.

1. Water coolers are breeding grounds for bacteria

The concern that water coolers are a breeding ground for bacteria stems from the potential for stagnation in improperly maintained units. However, most modern coolers are equipped with advanced filtration systems and self-cleaning technology. Regular maintenance and cleaning can further ensure that the water remains safe and hygienic.

2. Water from water coolers is not as pure as bottled water

This myth operates on the assumption that bottled water is invariably purer than water from coolers. In reality, the purity of water depends on its source and the purification methods employed. Many water coolers use advanced filtration systems that can effectively remove impurities, making the water as pure, if not purer, than most bottled water.

3. Water coolers are wasteful and environmentally unfriendly

Compared to the manufacturing and disposal of single-use plastic bottles, water coolers are a more sustainable choice. They cut down on plastic waste and reduce the carbon emissions associated with producing and transporting bottled water.

4. All water coolers are created equal

Just like any other product, water coolers come in a wide variety of types and models, each with its unique features and functionalities. The quality of a water cooler depends on its design, materials, and filtration technology. Hence, it’s incorrect to believe that all water coolers provide the same quality of water or service.

5. Water coolers only chill water

While the term ‘water cooler’ may suggest that these units solely provide cold water, most models actually have multiple temperature options. They often come equipped with both chilling and heating elements, allowing you to enjoy cold water for refreshing beverages and hot water for teas, soups, or other needs.

6. Water coolers have no impact on workplace compliance

Workplace compliance involves providing employees with a safe and healthy environment, which includes access to clean drinking water. In this context, water coolers can be a key factor in ensuring an organisation meets its health and safety obligations.

7. Water coolers have to be kept indoors

While water coolers are commonly found indoors, they are not exclusively designed for indoor use. There are outdoor models built to withstand various weather conditions, offering a convenient water source for outdoor spaces like parks or sports facilities.

8. Water coolers are expensive

The cost of a water cooler can vary greatly depending on its features, capacity, and the technology it employs. While some high-end models might be expensive, there are also many affordable options available. When compared to the cost of consistently buying bottled water, a water cooler can be a cost-effective investment in the long run.

9. Water coolers aren’t sustainable

Water coolers are in fact a more sustainable option than bottled water. They help reduce plastic waste and energy consumption associated with producing and transporting bottled water. Moreover, many water cooler models are designed with energy-saving features to further reduce their environmental impact.

10. Water coolers are too big and bulky

While there are large water cooler models, many compact options are suitable for small spaces. Modern designs focus on efficiency and space-saving, allowing for a variety of sizes and styles to suit different environments.

11. They require a lot of maintenance

The level of maintenance required for a water cooler depends on its model and usage. Many modern coolers come with self-cleaning features, and basic care often involves simple steps like regular cleaning and timely filter changes.

12. They use harsh chemicals that are bad for you

Contrary to this myth, water coolers do not rely on harsh chemicals to purify water. They typically use physical filtration methods, and any cleaning solutions used for maintenance are designed to be safe and non-toxic.

13. They are only for large offices

Water coolers come in a range of sizes and capacities to cater to different needs. While they are a common sight in large offices, smaller models are perfectly suitable for small offices, homes, and even individual rooms.

In debunking these myths, it becomes clear that water coolers, when chosen wisely and maintained correctly, can be a safe, cost-effective, and sustainable solution for providing clean drinking water.

The Reality of Water Cooler Safety

Water cooler safety is a matter of following general safety standards, proper and regular cleaning and servicing, and understanding the impact of maintenance and cleaning on water cooler safety. Regular cleaning schedules and quality maintenance are essential in ensuring water coolers provide safe and pure drinking water.

Tips for Safe and Hygienic Use of Water Coolers

Proper usage and maintenance of water coolers involve several steps and practices. This includes regular cleaning, following recommended cleaning schedules and techniques, and knowing what to look for when buying or renting a water cooler. These practices ensure water coolers provide safe and clean water consistently.


In conclusion, while myths about water coolers abound, the reality is far removed from these misconceptions. With proper care and maintenance, water coolers can provide a safe, environmentally friendly, and convenient hydration solution. Debunking these myths is crucial to enabling users to make informed decisions and ensure their health and well-being.

This article gives a concise, researched perspective on water cooler safety. Each myth is examined and debunked, providing a clearer picture of the reality surrounding water coolers.

1. How often should I clean my water cooler?

This largely depends on the model and frequency of use, but as a general rule, it’s advisable to clean your water cooler every 6 to 12 weeks. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best practice.

2. Is the water from my cooler as clean as bottled water?

With a good quality water cooler and a proper maintenance schedule, the water from your cooler can be as clean, if not cleaner than bottled water. This is due to the filtration systems installed in many modern coolers, which effectively remove impurities.

3. Are water coolers environmentally friendly?

Yes, water coolers can be a more environmentally friendly choice compared to bottled water. They help reduce the production and disposal of single-use plastic bottles and lower carbon emissions related to the manufacture and transport of bottled water.

4. Do water coolers use harmful chemicals to purify water?

No, water coolers typically use physical filtration methods to purify water. Any cleaning solutions used in maintenance are designed to be safe and non-toxic. Always follow manufacturer guidelines when cleaning your water cooler.

5. Are water coolers suitable for small offices or homes?

Absolutely! Water coolers come in a variety of sizes and capacities, and there are many compact models suitable for smaller offices or domestic settings.

6. Are water coolers expensive to maintain?

The cost of maintaining a water cooler can vary depending on the model, but in general, these costs are not high. Basic maintenance usually involves regular cleaning and periodic filter changes. Compared to the cost of consistently buying bottled water, a water cooler can be a cost-effective choice.

Why Refillable Water Coolers Are the Future

Say Goodbye to Plastic Bottles: Why Refillable Water Coolers Are the Future


Plastic bottles are everywhere in our daily lives, offering convenience and hydration on the go. However, their impact on the environment is undeniable. Plastic waste is a significant problem, harming marine life and contributing to pollution. It’s time to embrace a sustainable solution: refillable water coolers. These innovative devices are the future of reducing plastic waste and promoting a healthier planet. In this article, we will explore why refillable water coolers are gaining momentum and why they should be our go-to choice for staying hydrated.

The Problem with Plastic Bottles (Word count: 500-600) Plastic bottles are causing significant harm to our environment. Each year, millions of them end up in landfills and oceans, taking hundreds of years to break down. This results in pollution and poses a danger to marine life. Moreover, plastic bottles may pose health risks due to chemical leaching, potentially affecting human well-being.

Introducing Refillable Water Coolers

Refillable water coolers provide a sustainable and practical alternative to plastic bottles. They connect directly to the water supply, allowing users to refill their bottles or glasses whenever needed.

The Benefits of Refillable Water Coolers

  1. Reducing plastic waste: Refillable water coolers significantly reduce plastic waste by eliminating the need for single-use bottles, helping to address the plastic pollution crisis.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: While there may be an initial investment, refillable water coolers offer long-term savings compared to purchasing bottled water regularly. They are a cost-effective choice for businesses and households.
  3. Convenience and accessibility: Refillable water coolers provide easy access to chilled and filtered water, eliminating the need to carry around heavy packs of bottled water. They can be found in public spaces and workplaces, ensuring hydration is always within reach.

Environmental Benefits of Refillable Water Coolers

Refillable water coolers offer various environmental advantages that go beyond reducing plastic waste.

  1. Reduction in plastic waste and landfill usage: Refillable water coolers help reduce the number of plastic bottles ending up in landfills, alleviating strain on waste management systems.
  2. Decreased carbon footprint: Producing, transporting, and disposing of plastic bottles contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing refillable water coolers, we reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
  3. Conservation of natural resources: Manufacturing plastic bottles requires large amounts of water and fossil fuels. Opting for refillable water coolers helps conserve these valuable resources.
  4. Positive impact on wildlife and ecosystems: Plastic waste severely threatens wildlife. Refillable water coolers can help protect marine life and preserve ecosystems by reducing plastic pollution.

Health Benefits of Refillable Water Coolers

Refillable water coolers benefit the environment and offer several health advantages.

  1. Elimination of chemical exposure from plastic bottles: Plastic bottles can leach harmful chemicals into the water they contain. Refillable water coolers eliminate this risk, providing clean and safe drinking water.
  2. Quality control and filtration options: Many refillable water coolers come with advanced filtration systems, ensuring high-quality water free from impurities and potential health hazards.
  3. Promoting hydration and overall well-being: With refillable water coolers readily available, staying hydrated throughout the day becomes easier. Proper hydration supports overall health, mental clarity, and energy levels.

Cost-Effectiveness of Refillable Water Coolers

While initial costs may exist, refillable water coolers offer long-term savings.

Comparative cost analysis: Refillable water coolers are more cost-effective than regularly purchasing bottled water. The upfront investment pays off over time, resulting in significant savings.

Long-term savings potential: Businesses and households can save substantial money by switching to refillable water coolers. Eliminating recurring costs associated with buying bottled water adds to considerable savings.

Convenience and Accessibility of Refillable Water Coolers

Refillable water coolers are designed for convenience and accessibility.

Availability in public spaces and workplaces: Refillable water coolers are increasingly found in parks, airports, and educational institutions, ensuring easy access to clean drinking water. Many workplaces also provide refill stations or water coolers for employees.

Easy installation and maintenance: Refillable water coolers are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. User-friendly interfaces make them accessible to everyone.

Customisable features and options: Refillable water coolers come in various styles, sizes, and functionalities, catering to diverse needs. From countertop models to freestanding units, a refillable water cooler is suitable for every space.

Overcoming Challenges and Barriers

Certain challenges must be addressed to promote the widespread adoption of refillable water coolers.

Initial investment and installation costs: While there may be upfront expenses, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment. Refillable water coolers prove to be a cost-effective choice.

Perception and acceptance: Educating the public about the advantages of refillable water coolers is crucial. Sharing success stories and dispelling misconceptions can foster acceptance and encourage adoption.

Infrastructure and availability: Ensuring refillable water coolers are available in various locations requires infrastructure development and collaboration between stakeholders. Governments, businesses, and organizations must work together to create a refillable water cooler-friendly environment.

Steps Towards a Refillable Water Cooler Future

Achieving a refillable water cooler future requires collective action.

Government and corporate initiatives: Governments can implement policies and regulations that encourage refillable water coolers. Businesses can lead by investing in infrastructure and promoting employee adoption.

Individual actions and consumer choices: Individuals can make a difference by choosing refillable water coolers in their daily lives. Supporting businesses that offer refillable water options drives demand and creates a positive impact.

Education and awareness campaigns: Spreading awareness about the environmental and health benefits of refillable water coolers is essential. Collaboration between educational institutions, environmental organizations, and media outlets can facilitate knowledge sharing and informed choices.

How Our Company, Smarter Water, Helps You

At Smarter Water, we are committed to providing you with the best solutions for staying hydrated while reducing plastic waste. Our refillable water coolers offer a range of benefits that make them the ideal choice for individuals, businesses, and communities. Here’s how our company can help you:

  1. Sustainable Hydration Solutions: Our refillable water coolers eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles, significantly reducing plastic waste and its harmful impact on the environment. By choosing our products, you become a part of the solution to the global plastic pollution crisis.
  2. Cost-Effective Options: We understand the importance of budget-friendly choices. Our refillable water coolers offer long-term savings compared to purchasing bottled water regularly. We provide cost-effective options that fit your needs without compromising on quality.
  3. Convenience and Accessibility: Our refillable water coolers are designed with convenience in mind. Whether you need a water cooler for your office, gym, or home, we offer a variety of models and sizes to suit your space. Easy installation and maintenance ensure hassle-free hydration.
  4. Health and Well-being: With our advanced filtration systems, you can enjoy clean and safe drinking water. Our refillable water coolers remove impurities and contaminants, providing you with refreshing hydration that promotes your well-being.

Free 14-Day Trial

To experience the benefits of our refillable water coolers firsthand, we offer a free 14-day trial. During this trial period, you can evaluate the convenience, cost-effectiveness, and health advantages of our products without any commitment. We are confident that once you try our refillable water coolers, you will be convinced of their value and the positive impact they can make.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform the way you hydrate and contribute to a greener future. Sign up for our free 14-day trial today and join the movement towards a plastic-free hydration solution with Smarter Water.


Refillable water coolers are the sustainable and practical solution to plastic bottle waste. By significantly reducing plastic waste, preserving natural resources, and promoting better health, they represent the future of hydration. It is vital that we recognize their benefits and take proactive steps to embrace this positive change. Let’s bid farewell to plastic bottles and welcome a refillable water cooler future for the sake of our planet and future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Are refillable water coolers more hygienic than plastic bottles?

A: Yes, refillable water coolers are generally more hygienic. The materials used in water coolers, such as stainless steel or BPA-free plastic, are less prone to bacterial growth compared to disposable plastic bottles. Furthermore, most water coolers feature easy-to-clean designs, making maintenance and sanitation hassle-free.

Q: Can I use refillable water coolers in public places?

A: Absolutely! Refillable water coolers are becoming increasingly common in public spaces. Many cities, parks, and educational institutions are installing water stations equipped with refillable options to promote sustainable hydration practices. So, remember to bring your refillable bottle on your next outing!

Q: How can refillable water coolers contribute to reducing plastic waste?

A: Refillable water coolers play a crucial role in reducing plastic waste. By opting for a refillable bottle instead of a single-use plastic one, you eliminate the need for repeated purchases and disposal. This shift towards reusable containers significantly reduces the number of plastic bottles entering our landfills and oceans.

Q: Are refillable water coolers suitable for workplaces?

A: Yes, refillable water coolers are ideal for workplaces. They encourage employees to stay hydrated throughout the day and promote a sustainable office environment. Many refillable water coolers come in sleek designs that fit seamlessly into any office setting.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to using refillable water coolers?

A: While refillable water coolers offer numerous benefits, it is essential to consider a few potential drawbacks. For instance, water coolers require regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and hygiene. Additionally, access to refillable water stations may be limited in some areas, necessitating careful planning when traveling.

Q: Can refillable water coolers accommodate hot water?

A: Yes, many refillable water coolers offer both cold and hot water options. This versatility makes them suitable for various uses, including making hot beverages or instant meals.

Water Coolers, Filters & Dispensers

10 Tips for Selecting the Perfect Water Cooler for Your Needs


Hydration is key to maintaining good health, productivity, and overall well-being. The modern office environment, home, or public space often requires a convenient and efficient solution for ensuring that people have easy access to clean, cold water. One solution that has stood the test of time is the water cooler. This essential piece of equipment is far more than just a hub for office gossip; it provides an essential service that contributes to the health and happiness of everyone who uses it. Selecting the perfect water cooler for your needs can be a task that demands attention to detail, as well as a deep understanding of your specific requirements. Here, we provide you with ten comprehensive tips to assist you on this journey.

1. Understand Your Needs

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand your needs. How many people will be using the water cooler? What is your budget? Do you require a unit that provides both hot and cold water? Answering these questions will guide you towards the best water cooler for your situation.

2. Assess Available Space

Space is a key factor when selecting a water cooler. Ensure that you have sufficient space to accommodate the cooler without causing any obstruction.

3. Consider the Water Source

Your water source is another important consideration. If you prefer a bottled water cooler, ensure you have a reliable delivery service. For point-of-use coolers, your location needs a stable and clean water supply.

4. Evaluate Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency can be a game-changer in terms of operational costs. Look for models that have a high energy efficiency rating to save on electricity costs.

5. Check for Safety Features

Safety should never be compromised. Check for features like child safety locks for hot water and leak detection systems.

6. Opt for Quality over Price

While it might be tempting to go for the cheapest option, remember that quality matters most. A durable and reliable water cooler can save you money on repairs and replacements in the long run.

7. Look for Warranties and Support

A good warranty and strong customer support are indicators of a reliable product. It ensures that you can get help when you need it.

8. Consider the Cooler’s Capacity

The capacity of the cooler should match your requirements. Larger offices or homes may require a cooler with a higher capacity.

9. Read Reviews

Online reviews can give you a sense of a product’s performance. Look for reviews from users who have similar needs to yours.

10. Consider Aesthetic Appeal

Lastly, consider the aesthetic appeal of the water cooler. It should blend well with your space and not stick out like a sore thumb.


Choosing the right water cooler is a task that requires careful consideration of multiple factors. From understanding your unique needs to considering the water source and evaluating energy efficiency, every aspect plays a crucial role in your final decision. By following these ten tips, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision, ensuring that you select the perfect water cooler to meet your needs.


1. What is the difference between a bottled water cooler and a point-of-use water cooler?

Bottled water coolers use pre-packaged water, while point-of-use coolers connect directly to the water supply and purify the water on-site.

2. How often should I clean my water cooler?

It’s recommended to clean your water cooler every 6 to 12 weeks, depending on usage and manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Can a water cooler also provide hot water?

Yes, many water coolers come with both cold and hot water dispensers, making them versatile for different beverage needs.

How to Choose the best water cooler for different fields?

How to Choose Water Coolers/Water Containers before Buying it?


Water coolers, in excess of a fundamental stock in office spaces, have now turned into a typical home machines too. Water coolers enjoy a ton of benefits like getting spotless separated water, simple capacity, the openness of cold water, and cleanliness since there is less gamble of water pollution. There are variables that you really want to search for while purchasing a water container. Peruse further to know the things you ought to consider while purchasing a water cooler.

What is a water cooler?

A water cooler is an electronic machine that warms, cools or administers water. Generally, a water cooler was utilized in workplaces, emergency clinics, and different work environments. In any case, it has acquired significance being a domestic device with many individuals getting it in light of its helpful highlights. A water cooler is likewise a kind of water cooler. Yet, a water cooler may not generally be a water cooler.

Kinds of Water Coolers

There are a variety of filtered water coolers. From hot and cold ledge settings to floor standing room temperature and cold machines to look over. While filtered water coolers are profoundly famous today and many homes are utilizing these reasonable items, in the work environment, a plumbed-in water cooler might be the best decision. Realizing which suits your requirements and financial plan, save your significant investment.

How to choose Water Coolers/Water Containers before buying it?


The principal thing you really want to consider is the limit of the water coolers and dispensers. Items with very good quality highlights and specs will quite often be more costly than essential models.


You will likewise track down mid-range items that offer a bigger number of highlights than an essential model. It is essential to assess the expense of overhauling and support charges, as these can accumulate over the long haul.

Eco-accommodating (less power utilization) 

Pick an energy-productive machine, similar to some other type of gear. While it very well might be enticing to set aside a little cash by buying a more seasoned model, it could end up being a costly error in the long haul. There is an assortment of energy-effective arrangements accessible, including double indoor regulators and separate circulation frameworks to decrease energy utilization; and a blower that utilizes less power while giving great water cooling capacities.

Water Temperature  

There is no standard temperature for drinking. Contingent upon the innovation, the temperature of drinking water fluctuates starting with one brand and then onto the next. A water cooler with a base extra room is bound to furnish cooler water than one with a top extra room. Prior to purchasing a water container, guarantee it meets your favoured temperature needs.

Cleaning and Waste Instrument 

Remember to take a gander at the seepage system and cleaning options while looking for a water cooler. Water containers should be cleaned consistently to work accurately to keep the region dry. The water allocator ought to be easy to keep up with so you can appropriately focus on it.

First and foremost, you should consider the size of the water cooler. Depending on how much water you need to cool, you’ll want to make sure that the size of the unit is appropriate for your space. Additionally, you should think about how often people will be using it and what type of environment it will be in (i.e., indoors or outdoors).

Second, consider what type of filtration system is included with the unit. Many modern water coolers come with built-in filters that remove impurities from tap water before it reaches your drinking cup or glass. This helps ensure that everyone in your office or home has access to clean drinking water


With so many different brands, models, and features available, it can be difficult to find the right fit. Fortunately, there are several criteria you can use to narrow down your search and find the perfect appliance for your needs. From the best design to features and energy efficiency, there are numerous things to consider in order to find the best option for you.


Finding the right water cooler for your office or home is essential to ensure that you have access to clean and refreshing drinking water. One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a water cooler is its location. Depending on the size of your space, a bottled cooler may be the best option if you have limited space. Additionally, you should also consider how accessible it will be for everyone who needs access to clean drinking water.


With the increasing demand for convenience and ease, the water dispensing market has become one of the most versatile and expansive markets. From simple faucets to large-scale water coolers, there is a wide range of options available to suit any lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a convenient way to get your daily dose of hydration or you need a larger-scale solution for your office, there are endless options in the water dispensing market.

How Does a Water Cooler Work and What to think Before Buying it?

How Does a Water Cooler Work?

We are all aware that water is necessary for our bodies to function; we hear about it in the news, experience the harmful effects of dehydration, and benefit from adequate hydration. In addition to the fact that you need water to survive, staying hydrated has numerous advantages that can enhance your daily life.

Drinking 8 ounces or more of water daily can help you feel better, have more energy, get rid of toxins, make your skin look better, keep your digestion regular, boost your immune system, help you lose weight, and even help with headaches.

Why Would I Need a Water Cooler Dispenser?

There are numerous advantages to having a water dispenser in your home, workplace, gym, or business. They are convenient, produce high-quality, clear water, encourage everyone to drink more, save money, eliminate waste, and help you leave a smaller carbon footprint using fewer bottled water bottles. Some people might need a water cooler because they don’t have clean water to drink, while others might look for a dispenser because they like different tastes in water.

Here is everything you need to know to choose the best water cooler for you, regardless of the reason.

What to Think About When Buying a Water Cooler?

If your space is limited or you need an extensive system with refrigeration or a water cooler for the office, there is an ideal option. Before beginning your search, it is essential to comprehend the distinction between a water dispenser and a water cooler. Although both options technically dispense water, one uses electricity to cool the water while the other dispenses from a bottle.

Water Coolers of All Kinds:

Other types of filtered water cooler applications include the following:

Useful Tip:

These units, typically the most expensive, are advantageous if you have an accessible water line. Handling 2, 4, or 5-gallon water bottles is more accessible and cheaper with Point of Use water coolers.

Bottled Water Cooler With Top Load:

Top-loading bottled water coolers are generally less expensive than point-of-use coolers and save time and effort during initial setup. Rather than taking advantage of your home or office water line, you essentially place the 2, 4, or 5-gallon water bottle cooler you have bought or filled from the store on the unit and plug it in!

Bottled Water Cooler With Bottom Loading:

This option is ideal if you like the look of a bottle-less cooler but prefer the taste and quality of store-bought gallon water bottles. The 2, 4, or 5-gallon coolers are housed in a cabinet in the lower part of the unit rather than sitting on top of it, which can take up some space.

Cooler for the Countertop:

A countertop water cooler is a good option if you live in a small space like an apartment, vacation home, or somewhere without access to potable water. The countertop units save both money and space.

Ledge Water Gadget:

Like the application described above, these units are the least expensive and perfect for cooling water when electricity is unavailable or not required.

Water Bottle Refills

Before purchasing a refillable water cooler, confirm the supply of a drinking water service in your area—the service exchanges bottles on a daily schedule—if you favor the convenience of a service that brings you new water jugs and removes your used bottles. Additionally, many retailers offer discounts on bottle returns. If a 5-gallon jug is challenging to move or load onto your device, you’ll usually downsize to a 2-gallon jug if you want to use a jug system but have physical limitations. Additionally, if you do not want to lift excessively, believe in employing a bottle-less or bottom-loading system. Water jugs also can be purchased at most stores that sell water, ordered online, or refilled face-to-face at water refilling stations.


Do all Water Dispensers Cool the Water?

Ensure the water dispenser you get is what you want for your home. Some pour the water out without cooling it first. Isn’t it much better to have one that makes the water cold enough to drink? Cool water has a much better cooling effect.

Do You Need a Dispenser That Provides Both Hot and Cold Water?

Depending on your requirements, you can select water dispensers that heat and cool the water. These distributors contain two fixtures. One provides hot water for instant coffee, instant soups, and even hot chocolate, while the other is only for cold water.

Assuming you go for a model that administers boiling water, it’s wise to ask about any security features that accompany it, particularly assuming you have little kids in your loved ones.

Is the Water in the Distributors Preferable for You over Regular Water?

Natural mineral water from some water coolers is the ideal option for those who prefer their food and beverages to be as natural as possible. The convenience of having hot and cold water at your fingertips whenever you need it is one of the many reasons to purchase a water dispenser. Instead of constantly requiring ice and water to make a cold drink or to heat the water to make a hot drink, your family can serve themselves quickly. This saves energy by not having to constantly boil water in a kettle, which makes life easier, especially for a mobile family!

Are Different Packages Available?

There is a package deal for your size, model, and water consumption. A reputable supplier of home water cooler supplies will be fairly adaptable to your requirements; Some may even tailor a package to your specific needs. It’s always worthwhile to inquire because the company wants to satisfy you and keep you as a repeat customer for years. You can’t get what you don’t ask for!


Water Coolers & Dispensers

Water Cooler Issues: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Problems


Nowadays, it’s almost a given that you’ll benefit from having a water cooler if you work for a company with at least ten employees. It is quick, simple, tastes better than tap water, and is healthier than sodas. In any case, that is the assumption. Tragically, that’s all there is to it. Some coolers can actually be harmful to the health of drinkers, whereas well-made and well-maintained coolers are certain benefits for any workforce.

My water is not cold. 

This could be caused by a number of things. Your machine is not receiving power. If the lights are on and the machine is not turned on or receiving power, it can’t chill the water. You should be able to hear the compressor operating if you remove the power lead from the cooler’s back and then firmly reinsert it. 

My water isn’t hot

This can be brought about by various issues.

Your machine is not receiving any power. If the lights are on and the machine is not turned on or receiving power, it cannot heat the water. You should be able to hear the compressor operating if you remove the power lead from the cooler’s back and then firmly reinsert it.

Here are some of the primary issues with the water cooler:


This is a straightforward issue that occasionally arises with newly installed or serviced coolers. Resetting the cooler is all that is needed. This can be accomplished by releasing the air by simultaneously pressing and holding both taps for a few minutes. You can continue using the cooler as usual once the water flow returns. We will arrange for an engineer to visit to resolve the issue if this fails.

Water channel blockage – 

Your water channel is intended to close down once it dips under ideal execution. If this occurs, please contact us, and an engineer will change the filter on your behalf. Assuming this is a continuous issue we might have to expand your overhauling necessities.

Someone has just used all of the water. The machine may need five minutes to refill and catch up if someone has just filled four jugs of water. Please get in touch with us once more to set up an engineer visit if the machine is still not refilling.

The water supply has been cut off by someone. This can happen at the shutoff behind the machine, at the connection to the mains, or sometimes even inside the building itself. Reopening the shut-off valve resolves the first two issues very simply. Unfortunately, we are in the hands of the person who cut off the building’s water supply with the third one; however, it is unusual for the water supply to be cut off for an extended period of time.

Lack of power: 

Make sure the machine is getting power. Check that the water cooler is plugged in, turned on, and that the power cable is connected behind the machine because some water coolers need the power to run the pumps. You should be able to hear the compressor operating if you remove the power lead from the cooler’s back and then firmly reinsert it. The cooler is probably not receiving any power and may not be able to dispense if no lights are visible.

A broken tap: 

Some machines use mechanical taps to dispense water. These taps can break if they are used a lot or in the wrong way. We will make arrangements to replace your damaged or broken tap.

My water cooler is making a hissing sound. The heating exchange or compressor may be leaking. Turn off the cooler and contact customer service to exchange it.

My water cooler is leaking

If your machine has a leak, please immediately turn off the water supply (there is a shut-off connection in the tubing behind it), drain all of the water into a bowl or jug using the tap, and notify us by phone or email.

Your hole could be caused by various issues.

Bad connection inside the machine: 

Over time, the machine’s internal connections may develop very small leaks. Changing the connection is all that is needed to resolve these.

Dripping tap: 

Over time, a tap that drips slowly will fill the drip tray, causing the water to drip onto the floor slowly. Typically, all that is required to resolve the issue is a new tap.

People who are using the drip tray as a drain: Please make every effort to inform all staff members that the drip tray is only a drip tray and not a drain. The drip tray overflows when it is used to empty cups and bottles, and water runs through the machine, giving the impression of a leak. Coffee and soft drinks that are tipped into the tray will turn moldy or black, which is unpleasant!

The drip tray must be emptied and cleaned on a regular basis by you, but if problems persist, it might be best to use a water cooler with an internal drain. Please give us a call if you think this would be better for you, and we’ll tell you how much it will cost.