Bottled Water

Why is Bottled Water Bad for You?

Bottled water is something that we use daily. However, it is not the best option available to consume water. Bottled water can have a negative impact on health and the environment. Even though bottled water is convenient and refreshing, it is high time to get rid of them. From this article, we will share more details with you about the concerns associated with bottled water. Then you can figure out why you should stop consuming them.

Bottled Water can Result in Plastic Pollution 

Plastic pollution is the biggest concern associated with bottled water. To produce water bottles, manufacturers are consuming a lot of resources. This can result in environmental degradation. It has been estimated that over 8 million metric tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans every year. Plastic water bottles hold a prominent place in them.

A single plastic water bottle can take hundreds of years to decompose. It can also release a variety of harmful chemicals to the environment. If you purchase plastic water bottles, you are directly contributing to environmental pollution. It can endanger marine life. Moreover, it can also compromise the health of our planet.

It Can Result in BPA Exposure 

BPA exposure is another risk associated with bottled water. BPA is the abbreviation for Bisphenol A. This is a chemical compound used in the production of plastic water bottles. BPA can encounter water molecules after filling up the bottle. This can happen when the bottle gets exposed to sunlight or heat. 

BPA mixed with water can then get into your body. This is where you will run into numerous health problems. For example, you will have to deal with reproductive problems and hormonal imbalances. It can even lead you to many different types of cancers. 

Not all plastic water bottles contain BPA. Some of them are BPA-free. However, the alternative chemicals available for BPA can be dangerous as well. Hence, it is better to stay away from plastic bottled water as much as possible. 

Damage Caused by Microplastics 

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles. They are less than 5 millimetres in size. Microplastics are a major environmental concern that people worry about now. You can find these tiny particles in plastic water bottles as well. If you drink water in plastic water bottles, you will be taking in these microplastics to the body.

Microplastics will not lead you to any health problems immediately. However, long-term indigestion of microplastics can lead to numerous problems. For example, it can disrupt the hormonal system. You will also end up with inflammation. If you don’t want this to happen, it is a good thing to stay away from bottled water as much as possible.

You Can Save Money 

Plastic water bottles are not a cost-effective solution available. The initial purchase of a plastic water bottle may seem affordable to you. However, the cumulative expenses can quickly add up. This is where you will figure out that plastic water is much more expensive than water water

You Will Be Increasing Your Carbon Footprint

If you keep on buying plastic water bottles, you are increasing your carbon footprint on this planet. It is important to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible. This is where you should make sustainable life choices. 

The production and transportation process of plastic water bottles consumes a lot of energy. Even the refrigeration process would require a lot of energy. All this energy will be coming from fossil fuels. It can increase the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, you will be contributing to climate change.

Transporting plastic bottles for longer distances can create carbon emissions as well. This is why it is a good thing to rely on local water resources. For example, you may install a water filter at home or office.

It Will Result in Landfill Waste

Another obvious disadvantage of plastic water bottles is landfilling waste. We face numerous challenges when managing the waste that bottled water creates. There are indeed initiatives to recycle plastic water bottles. However, a considerable percentage of plastic bottles still end up in landfills. 

It will take hundreds of years for such bottles to decompose. During the decomposing stage, they will release harmful chemicals. These chemicals will eventually mix into groundwater. 

Depletion of Resources 

To produce plastic water bottles, people need to extract materials from finite resources. They include natural gas and petroleum. These are non-renewable resources. Continuous extraction of these resources can result in environmental degradation. It can also result in habitat destruction.

If you keep on buying bottled water, you are contributing to this. As a result, you are putting additional strain on the ecosystem. This can also result in further resource depletion. If you want to preserve resources for future generations, you should stop buying plastic water bottles. Then you can reduce the overall dependency on non-renewable resources.

Recycling Issues 

The process of recycling plastic water bottles is happening at its best. Only a small number of plastic water bottles go through recycling. The other water bottles simply end up in landfills. However, the process of recycling plastic water bottles is not 100% efficient as well. It requires a significant amount of water and energy. Likewise, people can only recycle plastic for a limited number of times. This is why it is not a good idea to rely heavily on recycling.

Smarter Water Offers the Best Alternative 

As you can see, dealing with bottled water is never good. If you are looking for an alternative, you can look at the bottle-less water coolers that Smarter Water is offering. Once you buy these water coolers, you can have access to cool and refreshing water. There is no need to deal with plastics. This is a fully Australian-owned and managed company. Visit the website of Smarter Water and learn more about their water coolers. 


What is the Best pH Level for Drinking Water?

Water is life and drinking water is highly important for every being on this planet. Since it keeps our bodies alive, it is significant to look for the best sources. You might have heard the word, pH, when it comes to describing quality. Similarly, water has a pH level, and it is necessary to drink water that falls under the considered pH level. Water coolers Gold Coast is known to keep their water supply within the desired pH level. However, before we proceed, let us learn about pH value.

What is pH balance?

pH balance is used to describe the acidic or alkaline nature of a substance. The number of hydrogen ions present in water or a solution determines how acidic or basic a substance is. When a substance is acidic, the number of hydrogen ions is greatly concentrated and it therefore contains a low pH level. On the other hand, basic or alkaline substances have a low concentration of hydrogen ions and are known to have higher pH levels.

The scale of pH balance runs from 0-14. On this scale, 0 is strongly acid and 14 is strongly alkaline. For instance, the pH level of the stomach is 1, indicating that it is very acidic. If you take bleach, it has a pH value of 13, which is extremely alkaline.

The pH of the water is considered on the basis of hardness. If the pH value of water is lower than 6.5, it is considered soft and above 8.5, it is considered hard. Balance must be attained between 6.5 and 8.5. The office water cooler Gold Coast is a great way to invest in good quality freshwater, having a pH value between 6.5 and 8.

What is the pH of water?

In the range of 7 is considered the perfect pH value of water. It is called pure or neutral, although it is not the same in every place. If the authority is not taking adequate action to keep the local water clean, then it is hard to find the perfect pH balanced water. Again, natural water consists of gases and other materials; and this together determines the pH value of the water. Office water coolers Gold Coast provides fresh and quality water.

Health effects of pH

Since the pH value of our stomachs is on the acidic side, we cannot consume strongly alkaline food. The strength of acids and alkalis play a crucial role in keeping us healthy. Our stomach cannot tolerate things that are strongly acidic or alkaline. It is best to have something diluted. Lemon and vinegar, for example, might be acidic but are weak acids. That is why it poses no threat to our health.


Although pH often holds no influence for water consumers, it is among the important factors in operational water quality parameters. pH control of water is needed for good health management and to eliminate potential threats.

You can contact water cooler Gold Coast to for a demonstration of different water coolers to choose the one that suits your needs.

The Importance and Benefits of Water Fluoridation for Teeth

Is Alkaline Water Good for You?

Water is a necessity of human life. Drinking an adequate amount of water each day is highly significant. However, recently, alkaline water has been drawing all the attention. Besides claiming to have an immense number of health benefits, it enhances the taste of water. Gold Coast water coolers provides the best quality waters in town.

What Is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline in water relates to the pH value level. A pH level is a number that illustrates how acidic or alkaline a substance is. The pH scale is 0 to 14. Something that has a pH level of 1 is extremely acidic while something at the pH value of 14 is highly alkaline. Alkaline water means water with a higher pH as compared to regular drinking water. Some people believe that alkaline water can neutralize the acid in our stomachs.

Regular water has a pH of 7, which is considered pure water, whereas alkaline water has a pH value of 8 or 9. However, pH alone is not sufficient to eliminate the water’s alkalinity. It must contain alkaline minerals and negative oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP. ORP is the ability of any water to act as an antioxidant. The more the water has a negative ORP value, the better it is at antioxidizing. Gold Coast office water coolers provide all the essential minerals in their water.

Does Alkaline Water Help?

There are various controversies regarding alkaline water and its advantages. Some researchers believe there are no health benefits and that only regular water is good for drinking. Nevertheless, a few studies show that alkaline water may be helpful and healthful for people. It could help with acid reflux by deactivating pepsin. It might also be capable of controlling high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. These studies have been done with a small group of subjects; thus, more should be conducted on a large group of people to confirm the full benefits.

Other advantages are anti-aging properties, colon cleansing, immune system support, and hydration, while maintaining the health of the skin. Gold Coast water coolers provide water that is great for the skin and overall health.

Possible Side Effects

Although you prefer alkaline water, there may be some negative effects to look out for. Our stomachs have a pH value of 1.5-3.5, which is considered acidic. If you imbibe too much alkaline water, it can disrupt the natural flora of the stomach and result in possible infections. Our natural acidic environment keeps pathogens and bacteria out.

Gold Coast office water coolers cause no potential health problems unlike alkaline water that can cause gastrointestinal problems and skin irritation.

Where do you get it?

Alkaline water can be found naturally or can be bought from stores. Natural alkaline waters have minerals like calcium, magnesium, and other salts. Electrolysis is a procedure through which alkaline water can be acquired. An electrical current is put through the water to create more ions. These ions are positively or negatively charged. Negatively charged ions are more alkaline.


When in doubt, stick with Gold Coast office water coolers. It is your best bet for purity and good health.


Don’t Like Drinking Water? 4 Tips to Get More Water to Those Who Hate Drinking it

Water is the most significant need of the body. Drinking an optimum level of water every day enables us to function properly and keeps our organs healthy. However, many people hate or forget to drink water. If you also hate drinking water, then this post is for you. Just follow these four tips on how to drink more water from water coolers Sunshine Coast and be healthy and happy.

1. Add Flavour to the Water

One of the biggest reasons not to consume water is the fact that it’s tasteless. People proclaim it to be boring. This is why they drink water in a very low amount. If you are one of those who hate drinking water, try jazzing it up by adding some flavor. This is as known as detox water. It will not only help you drink more water, but it will also take care of your health by flushing toxins out of your system. Try adding sliced cucumber, lemon, or orange slices into your water and chill it overnight. Have the water throughout the day. You can also add frozen berries as they sweeten water and keep it cool simultaneously. Adding mint leaves and wedges of lemon make water refreshing and flavourful.

2. Try to Keep Water in Front of You

Various people out there usually forget to drink water. Unless they feel extremely thirsty, getting water into the system is very hard. If you are among those who forget to have water, try keeping a water bottle with you all the time. If you are working in an office, fill your bottle from office water coolers Sunshine Coast and keep it on your desk. Seeing a bottle filled with water should motivate you to take sips throughout the day. The bottle acts as a reminder for you to drink more water.

3. Eat Food Rich in Water Content

This trick would not only assists you in increasing your water intake throughout the day, but it also help you eat more healthy fruits and vegetables. Foods high in water content provide basic nutrients. Thus, when you start eating them more, you will get those nutrients and your water simultaneously. Pick goods such as cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon, grapefruit, pineapple, etc. Search online for all the best hydrating foods and add them to your grocery list.

4. Swap Water with Every Liquid You Have

If you are among those who like a lot of coffee or tea, this will work great for you. For others who do not drink these beverages, try adding water with every meal you have throughout the day. You can swap your coffee or tea break with a glass of water. You should also have a glass of water from the water cooler Sunshine Coast prior to each meal you consume. This will ensure you drink sufficient water to keep your body healthy.

Bottom Line

Make sure you drink filtered clean water from the office water cooler Sunshine Coast and enjoy a healthy, hydrated life.

Does Drinking Filtered Water Boost Your Immune System?

Yes, drinking an adequate amount of filtered water daily should boost your immune system. Especially since the whole world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, drinking filtered water from Gold Coast water coolers is more crucial than ever before. For your body to stay hydrated and healthy, make sure you are drinking enough filtered water every day.

In short, if you don’t want to fall ill, start drinking filtered water to boost your immune system.

How Can You Improve Your Immunity by Drinking Filtered Water?

Now that you understand why you should drink filtered water, it’s time to explore how filtered water from Gold Coast office water coolers enhances your immune system and safeguards you from many diseases.

Water and the immune system are linked closely. The water we drink enters the blood and assists in carrying oxygen to our cells. This helps the body function properly, hence, water boosts our natural immunity.

Drinking an adequate amount of water keeps urination normal, which helps in eliminating toxins and bacteria. It also protects from the flu and other types of sickness.

It is suggested to drink at least 2.5 litres of water daily to enhance our immunity, and more if you do regular exercises. You can add a slice of lemon to your filtered water or have it in the form of a cup of hot tea. You get vitamin C from lemon which assists greatly in boosting immunity.

We all know that dehydration makes us weak. Thus, drinking sufficient filtered water enhances our energy levels.

Another health benefit of drinking water is that it provides lubrication to the joints and muscles, keeping the body moving easily without cramps or pain.

Since fluids in the blood carry oxygen to our muscles, organs, and brain, it influences mood and mental health positively. Some studies claim that a well-hydrated body holds a lesser risk of depression in adults.

Drinking sufficient filtered water from Gold Coast water cooler is also good for heart health. Hydration enables the heart to pump blood easily.

Being hydrated also helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system. It assists in maintaining a healthy weight. Studies claim that drinking cold water is good for the metabolism.

Boost Your Immune System with Cool, Refreshing Water

The relevance of drinking enough water for our immune system is now an open secret. Since we are aware of the importance of drinking clean water, it is significant to have a good Gold Coast office water cooler to get fresh, clean, and healthy water every day.

So, what are you waiting for? Explore the range of water coolers by Smarter Water to start enjoying filtered water free of chemicals.

How a Water Cooler Makes Your Office Happy

Water is indispensable for human beings and you can’t imagine life without it. It is important to check what kind of water you drink. Sunshine Coast water cooler experts say that that the water you sip must be free from contaminants and bacteria. And, you must have easy access to clean and safe water in order to stay healthy. Many offices often rely on tap water and do not pay adequate attention to employees’ safety and health. It may prove costly in the long run as employees may fall unwell and go on sick leave. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to invest in a top-quality bottleless water cooler for your office.

Discussed below are some factors of office water coolers that make your office a happy place:

1. Reduced Risks to Employees’ Health:

When you install a bottleless water cooler it can have wonderful results for the health and well-being of your employees. As they will be sipping clean and safe water, the chances of falling sick with a water-borne illness will be significantly reduced.

A healthy employee is asset to the company. It will also enhance their productivity that will ultimately benefit the organization. Additionally, the public and private water treatment facility must ensure the availability of potable, safe, and good tasting water. When an office opts to install a reverse osmosis filter or bottleless water cooler, employees can enjoy good quality water. You can purchase good quality bottleless water cooler from office water coolers Sunshine Coast and give your office a happy and healthy environment.

2. Access to Fresh Water:

You can rely on a water cooler to provide fresh water to staff in the office. But, many offices frequently use bottled water coolers to make drinking water available for their employees. And, there may be health risks that employees may face as a result of this. The bottles need to be changed and it’s possible for  contaminants to enter the water cooler when you get the bottle changed. Further, a large number of bottled coolers are not cleaned at regular intervals. This can lead to water contamination thus posing health risks to employees. It is always safe to rely on bottleless water cooler. Moreover, employees can access fresh water at any point in time. Organisations that invest in their employees’ well-being get good returns in the longer run.

You can contact experts at the water cooler Sunshine Coast to make the purchase of a top-quality bottleless water cooler and avoid this risk.

3. Affordable:

Yet another feature of bottleless water coolers is their cost. You don’t have to spend a fortune to purchase a bottleless water cooler. Units are more economical over their lifetimes than conventional water coolers. You can buy affordable floor units for your office from Smarter Water. And there are also compact countertop models appropriate for your home. Additionally, the unique bottleless design will make the requirement to move heavy five-gallon bottles redundant. Thus, you will end up saving the subscription cost as well.


Bottleless water coolers have emerged as convenient and low maintenance ways to supply fresh water to your staff. Smarter Water has built a reputation supplying reliable bottleless water coolers. In such water coolers, the seals remain inside the cooler which brings down the risk of contamination significantly. There is also be no interruption during busy workdays as there are no deliveries. This also eliminate a security risk because you do not have to open your building for deliveries.

How to Prevent Common Waterborne Contaminants

Different sources of freshwater, both surface and ground, can carry innumerable invisible contaminants. This contamination can be chemical, physical, and even biological and often makes the consumption of the water dangerous.

Pollution gets into the water in several ways and drinking unclean water can cause various types of serious illness. It is necessary to treat and filter water before consuming it. For most of Australia, this is done by the council. For better knowledge about filtered water, you can also reach out to Brisbane filtered water specialists.

What Are the Various Containments Found in Water?
Arsenic: It is one of the most common containments found in water all over the world. It is a heavy metal that happens to be in many rocks and sediments underground. Underground mining sometimes releases arsenic in the underground water.
If you are exposed to arsenic for a long time, it can cause kidney, bladder, and lung cancer. Arsenic is also known to cause skin and cardiovascular disease. Water cooler Brisbane keeps arsenic away by proving you freshwater. Municipal water treatment removes arsenic.

Bacteria and viruses: We all know that bacteria and viruses can be found everywhere from air to water. Infectious microorganisms like E.coli and Salmonella are found in the water. If left untreated, these can be fatal. They can cause nausea, diarrhoea, dehydration, and also vomiting. Small children are especially vulnerable and can face life-threatening complications.
Nitrates: This is found in manure and fertilisers. Natural bacteria convert fertilisers into nitrates, which moves into waterways, and can ultimately contaminate drinking water. Nitrates can cause health problems with hours or single exposure. They affect red blood cells. Infants can be affected by blue baby syndrome after to exposure to nitrates.
Lead: This is a heavy metal found in water. The toxicity of lead causes brain and nervous system damage. It mainly enters the water through old pipes and fittings in plumbing systems. To keep such toxins away from the water, you can look to office water coolers Brisbane for more information.
How to Prevent the Various Containments Found in Water?
You can take steps to ensure your water is free from any kind of containment, such as:

1. Carbon filtration
Carbon block filters remove impurities and absorb pollutants like pesticides, benzene, and heavy metals. You can use a different combination of mechanical filtration and electrokinetic absorption along with carbon filtration. It is one of the most effective treatments for reducing the amount of containment entering your body.

2. UV Purification
To remove a bacteria or virus, you need to use UV water purification. It removes all the organic and microbial contaminants.

Water purifiers are essential. With the increase of deadly diseases, it has become imperative to invest in proper drinking water from Smarter Water – office water coolers in Brisbane. Staying healthy and keeping immunity is our priority especially during the pandemic crisis. Stay healthy and keep your family safe.

What is Inside Your Bottled Water

Due to increasing environmental awareness and the ubiquity of plastic usage, people are questioning the advantages and disadvantages of bottled water. Big companies convinced the public to drink bottled water, even in places where tap water is safe and clear. But bottled water itself can be hazardous to your health.

If you are still confused, we will guide you through the cons of bottled water in this post below:

Chemicals Found in the Bottle

Bottles are made out of plastic and this plastic can contain chemicals that are detrimental to your health. To determine what kind of chemicals are present in your bottle, check the recycling symbol. Plastic #1 (PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate) is one of the common plastics used for making bottles. This type has no risk to human health. Plastics that are #2, #3, #4, and #5 have a. Plastic #7 contains BPA and it is best to avoid it wherever possible.


BPA is Bisphenol A. It is a chemical that is used for the production of plastic. These plastics are then used for making bottles. Many studies say that BPA can leak from the bottles into the water. Low-grade quality plastic water bottles have a high chance of leaking BPA into the water. BPA causes many health problems including hormonal issues, disrupt the brain development of foetuses and young children, and contribute to high blood pressure and heart diseases. High-quality Brisbane office water coolers help you move to a bottleless supply.

Environmental Effects of Plastic Water Bottles

We all know that plastic itself is a huge threat to our environment. Disposal of plastic bottles causes a huge range of adverse effects to our mother earth. According to research, people throw away over approximately 60 million plastic water bottles every day. And many of these they end up in waterways and ocean. These plastic release toxins as they degrade. These toxins are extremely bad for ocean ecology and to humans. It takes thousands of years for a plastic product to completely break down. You can go for Brisbane water cooler as an alternative method to help earth heal and your health.

Which is Better?

Overall, normal filtered water is better than bottled water in most cases. It is a convenient and healthier option for your body. Occasionally, you can use bottled water when traveling but try to get a high-grade plastic bottle. Pregnant women need to be very careful of the water they intake as well as the quality.

Most of the water for bottled water is taken from the local water supplies. That means you are paying way more than is required for normal water. It is also not clear that the proper protocols for testing the quality of water in bottled water are very strict.

Anyone searching for high-quality water should check out a Brisbane office water cooler. We use microbiological purification that eliminates potential pathogens like Salmonella and Hepatitis and carbon filtration removes pollutants like chlorine and lead. Normal filtered water is more likely to be 99.99% bacteria-free.

Advantages of Opting for a Bottleless Office Water Dispenser

Bottle-less office water dispensers have become popular for organisations. There are several factors that have driven the increase of bottle-less water dispensers in workplaces. You can secure a bottle-less water dispenser at cost-effective prices from your local water cooler providers. The latest water dispensers are available in several varieties to suit your organisation’s varied requirements.

Here are some advantages of bottleless water dispensers that you shouldn’t overlook:

1. Cost:

Consider saving money and the environment when it comes to offering water to your employees. Bottleless water dispensers have emerged as a cost-effective option when it comes to water for your employees. Aside from the fact that you save money on buying less bottled water, you don’t have to worry about an increase in power bills as Smarter Water dispensers have been designed to meet standards of energy efficiency. So, get in touch with Smarter Water, for your office water cooler.

2. Space-saving:

A shortage of space is a common concern for many organisations and a bottle-less water dispenser is ideal in this situation. You no longer have to store bottles of water within the office, so you require less space. Yet another advantage of bottle-less dispensers is that they are available in countertop models which are even more space-saving. Brisbane water coolers will help in meeting your requirements for bottle-less water dispensers.

3. Environmental-friendly:

We are all aware that plastic bottles pose serious threats to the environment. It is worth noting that nearly 480 billion plastic water bottles were bought in the year 2018 and less than half of those bottles were recycled. That figure is expected to surge in the years to come. Bottleless water dispensers provide an outstanding sustainable alternative to disposable water bottles. They are environmental-friendly and can save you enormous money by reducing your organisations’ expenses.


Many offices now opt to switch to bottleless water dispensers to take advantage of the many benefits. You can buy bottleless water dispensers from reliable Brisbane office water cooler professionals. They helps save employees’ precious time and energy. When you rely on water bottles you may require somebody to take inventory and place an order for new bottles. With a bottleless office water dispenser, nobody has to spend time to refill a water jug or order more supplies. Bottleless water dispensers can save time, money, and space. They have emerged better for your business, employees, and guests.

Health & Safety Compliance: How Clean is Your Water Cooler?

Water coolers are always set up with the best of intentions: to provide offices, schools and even your home a safe, cold source of drinking water. And while water coolers and filters seem like the cleanest way to drink, it really all boils down to our own setup and handling of the system.

Set up your water cooler the wrong way and/or neglect the system entirely, and you could be better off drinking straight from the tap in the office kitchen. Here’s what you need to know about keeping your water cooler clean.

Work Environment Regulations

If you’re providing a water cooler in a public place, there are certain regulations you need to comply to. According to Safe Work Australia Code of Practice for Managing the Work Environment and Facilities, drinking water should be:

  • Provided free of charge for workers at all time,
  • Positioned where it can be easily accessed by workers
  • Close to where hot or strenuous work is being undertaken to reduce the likelihood of dehydration or heat stress
  • Separate from toilet or washing facilities to avoid contamination of the drinking water

The drinking water should also be chilled at or below 24 degrees Celsius. This can be achieved by:

  • Refrigerating the water or providing non-contaminated ice
  • Shading water pipes and storage containers from the sun

Water should be supplied in a hygienic manner, so that workers do not drink directly from a shared container. This may involve:

  • A drinking fountain, where the water is delivered in an upward jet
  • A supply of disposable or washable drinking containers.

What’s the big takeaway from these regulations? You need to provide water, make it easy to access and keep it cool. A water cooler can help with this. But “supplying it in a hygienic manner” is the one part where many go astray.

Positioning your water dispensers

Positioning and setup are everything if you want to provide clean drinking water for your business. Place your water cooler in a central location where it can easily be accessed by everyone. Don’t put it near a toilet area and never position your water dispenser where the bottle can be exposed to direct sunlight.

Make sure your water dispenser has a drain or drip tray to catch overflowing water and avoid fall hazards from slippery floors. To avoid contamination from water containers, provide disposable cups or cones for users at all times.

One solution to this potential issue is to use plumbed in water coolers. They pump in a direct chilled water supply and avoid issues with bottle rotation.

Cleaning and maintaining your water cooler

Plumbed In Floor Standing

Water dispensers must be cleaned and given proper maintenance to avoid contamination with harmful bacteria, such as E.Coli. One study of water dispensers in the UK found that more than a quarter of them showed bacterial contamination. Dirty water dispensers can lead to an entire office of people going home sick with stomach problems.

You should always clean your water coolers based on the guidelines of the manufacturer, preferably using a broad-spectrum sanitizer. If connected to a tap, this should also be cleaned weekly with a mild detergent. Remember those drip trays you have set up to keep water off the floor? Those should be wiped dry every day to avoid bacterial buildup. Regularly check your water coolers for dust buildup inside the container or in the air ventilation grills.

To ensure your water cooler isn’t neglected, you can make a schedule for regular cleaning, and assign responsibility to someone in your office with knowledge of proper cleaning measures.

Though the best strategy to avoid error and further contamination is to have an agreement with the manufacturer to provide cleaning and maintenance services for the life of the product.

Cleaning, maintenance and filter replacement for filtered systems are provided as part of the standard service for Smarter Waters’ water coolers. Filters are rated for 5000 litres and are replaced twice per year when the system is also fully sanitised with a hand-held steamer.

If you go on holiday or leave the system without using it for more than a week, you should always drain out the remaining water once you return. Never leave a filtered water system without water, as the filter will dry out.

Wrapping up

Keeping your water cooler clean can seem like a simple task. Wipe it down with a sanitizer, what could be easier? But what about the important water contact parts inside?

But in reality, for a business you are focussing on your work. The cleaning and maintenance needs of your water cooler really should be in the hands of a professional service company like Smarter Water. Yes, the safest bet to ensure your water cooler stays clean is to enlist the help of professionals giving you the peace-of-mind that you are drinking from a healthy system.